MB Fumigation - ISPM 15

Methyl bromide is the most widely used fumigant for quarantine purposes. It is favoured in many countries for plant quarantine because of its reputation.

Methyl Bromide (MBr) is a liquid under pressure that turns into a gas when released after heating. It is stored in cylinders or cans. MBr is highly penetrative, can kill insect eggs, highly toxic to a broad spectrum of insects and similar pests, and is lethal even in relatively short exposure periods (typically 24 hours for non-perishables).

Methyl Bromide (MBr) Fumigation is the only chemical treatment accepted for ISPM 15.

But there are some goods for which problems can occur when fumigated with Methyl Bromide. Exim Fumigation Service dose not recommend these goods to be fumigate by Methyl Bromide. In general, these are – Foodstuffs, Leather Goods, Woolens, Viscose rayon, Photographic chemicals, Paper, Rubber Goods, Vinyl, Furs, Feathers (especially in feather pillows), Rug Padding (Foam rubber, felts etc.), Charcoal, Cinder blocks, Activated carbon, Horsehair articles, Oil artworks, Sulfur-based paint, Cellophane, etc. Please Contact Us for further details about non-recommended goods.

MB Fumigation (ISPM 15) Certificate

At the end of successful treatment, our approved operator will issue a certificate in the prescribed format in conformation with the FHAT Standard of Govt. of India. This certificate will be issued by our mother concern –


DPPQS registration no. for MB Fumigation IN-221/ MB
For more details Kindly visit www.eximfumigation.com


DPPQS registration no. for MB Fumigation IN-221/ MB
For more details Kindly visit www.eximfumigation.com